“Social Media? I don’t have time for any crazy social media!”

We realize you’re busy.

We get that you may not be able to justify in your mind why you should invest in building a social media presence.

We also get that you may not use social media much yourself, so you don’t see how it can help your business.

But, ask yourself this – do you (or did you) need to be listed in the phone book? Do you have (or want) a website? Do you advertise in any form whatsoever – from flyers posted on a telephone pole to television or anything else?

If you said yes to any of the above and that means you need a social media presence.

But perhaps you said no to the above. We’d be surprised but it is possible. Even in that case – if you want to grow and protect your business – you need to be active in social media.

Protect? Yes – protecting your business and reputation is critical and social media is a critical means to do it. There are many online reputation horror stories and you don’t need that headache.

In the US – 80% of adults are now actively using social media. These are your customers.

They are there looking for what you have to offer. They are there seeking recommendations, opinions and comparing. They are checking you out – do you know what they are seeing?

Social Media is a critical element to ensure you are found and well represented at a minimum. And it is a very powerful tool to enable proactive out reach as well.

On top of that – it’s easier than you think too.

Coming soon – the top 3 and next 3 reasons to be active on social media. Stay tuned!